Monday 21 January 2013


So how are your New Year Resolutions going?   Are you still sticking to that strict diet, madly cutting calories and trying to exist on fat-free yoghurt and diet shakes?  


Well please spare a thought for your hair. Healthy hair comes with a healthy body and a really good diet is so important when it comes to looking after your hair.

Like any other part of your body, your hair requires the right balance of nutrients and vitamins and anything that upsets that balance will eventually affect the look and  health of your hair.

Crash dieting is definitely bad news! It interferes with the hair cycle by affecting the supply of vitamins and minerals that we need to function properly.

Reducing the amount you eat to lose excess pounds is one thing, but any drastic change in your diet that restricts your input of crucial vitamins and nutrient will definitely give you bad hair days.

So don’t beat yourself up about trying to lose weight! Take dieting slowly, try and lose a couple of pounds a week and do allow yourself a little treat occasionally. Your hair and body will say a huge thank you!

Finally, ring up your stylist and book in for a treatment and a trim.  A deep, moisturizing treatment will leave you with gorgeous, shiny, conditioned hair and a trim will get rid of dry split-ends.

And don’t forget, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Dull, dry, lifeless hair is definitely a romance killer! So, start looking after your hair right now and by February 14th your hair will be your crowning glory.     

For a fantastic 2013 eat healthily, be kind to your hair and make you hair stylist your very best friend!!  
Call 0844 999 0644 to book an appointment, don't forget you can also book online

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